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1.According to ICH GCP in obtaining and documenting informed consent, the investigator should comply with/adhere to:
2.Where the master randomization list should be filed?
3.Monitor should verify for the investigational product(s) that:
1) Investigational product(s) are supplied only to subjects who are eligible to receive it
2) Subjects are provided with necessary instruction on properly using investigational products
3) Receipt, use, and return of the investigational product(s) at the trial sites are controlled and documented adequately
4) Storage times and conditions are acceptable
4.According to ICH GCP which of the following statements are true about record retention?
1. The sponsor should inform the investigator in writing of the need for record retention
2. The sponsor should notify the investigator in writing when the trial related records are no longer needed
3. It is the responsibility of the investigator to notify the IRB/IEC when the trial related records are no longer needed
5.What does ICH GCP say the investigator should do in the event of premature unblinding?
6.Who should ensure that it is specified in the protocol or other written agreement that the investigator(s)/institution(s) will permit trial-related monitoring, audits, IRB/IEC review, and regulatory inspection(s), providing direct access to source data/documents?
7.Which of the following statement is true according to ICH GCP for the purposes of trial monitoring:
8. The investigator should submit XXXX to the IRB/IEC annually
9. According to ICH GCP Section 5.8 Compensation to Subjects and Investigators which of the following is not true:
10.According to ICH GCP The investigator should submit written summaries of the trial status to the IRB/IEC:
11. Which of the following is most true of Source Data Verification?
12.According to ICH GCP who should ensure that all persons assisting with the trial are adequately informed about the protocol, the investigational product(s), and their trial-related duties and functions?
13.According to ICH GCP how long should an IRB/IEC take to review a protocol and document its opinion?
14.According to ICH GCP which of the following is NOT one of the procedures generally included in protocols regarding Subject Withdrawal Criteria?
15.According to ICH GCP how long should an IRB/IEC take to review a protocol and document its opinion?
16. What is the definition of unexpected in terms of ADRs?
17.According to ICH GCP where advertisement for subject recruitment should be filed?
18.According to ICH GCP results of monitoring activities should be documented in sufficient detail to allow verification of what?
19. According to ICH GCP which document should be retained to document compliance with applicable labelling regulations?
20. With which of the following should IRB/IECs comply?
21.According to ICH GCP for how long the IRB/IEC should retain all relevant records?
22.Who am I according to ICH GCP: A document that describes the strategy, methods, responsibilities, and requirements for monitoring the trial
23. According to ICH GCP when can an investigator implement a deviation from, or change to a protocol without agreement of the sponsor and prior approval/favourable opinion of the IRB/IEC?
1. Newer
2. To eliminate an immediate hazard to trial subjects
3. When advised by the Monitor
4. When the change involves only logistical or administrative aspects
24. According to ICH GCP the sponsor should evaluate the identified risks, against existing risk controls by considering:
25.According to ICH GCP what always resides with the sponsor?
26.“Documents which individually and collectively permit evaluation of the conduct of a study and the quality of the data produced” is the definition of:
27. The IRB/IEC should ensure that information regarding payment to subjects, including the XXXX to trial subjects, is set forth in the written informed consent form and any other written information to be provided to subjects. The way payment will be prorated should be specified.
28.According to ICH GCP Monitors should be appointed by the sponsor. These monitors should be appropriately trained, and should have what else?
29.Where should signature sheet be filed?
30.According to ICH GCP all clinical trial information should be recorded, handled, and stored in a way that allows:
31. According to ICH GCP Adverse events and/or laboratory abnormalities identified in the protocol as critical evaluations should be reported to the:
32.According to ICH GCP, Integrated Addendum provides a unified standard for which of the countries to facilitate the mutual acceptance of data from clinical trials by the regulatory authorities in these jurisdictions?
33.According to ICH GCP who is responsible for destruction of Investigational Product(s)?
34.During the clinical conduct of the trial how completed CRFs be filed?
35.According to ICH GCP “The process of assigning trial subjects to treatment or control groups using an element of chance to determine the assignments in order to reduce bias” is definition of XXXX.
36.According to ICH GCP section 5.2 Contract Research Organization, Any trial-related duty and function that is transferred to and assumed by a CRO should be specified in:
37.What is the definition of source data verification according to the ICH GCP?
38.Which of the following would NOT be considered a lay person for the purposes of IRB/IEC membership?
39.Where should final trial close-out monitoring report be filed?
40.What words are missing from the following in ICH GCP: The Sponsor should update the XXXX as significant new information becomes available?
41. According to ICH GCP which of the following would be classified as a Contract Research Organisation?
1. An organisation providing clinical trial monitoring services to a sponsor
2. An individual freelance CRA monitoring a trial for a sponsor
3. An academic organisation providing data management services for the sponsor of a clinical trial
42.What is needed to complete the following statement in ICH GCP Section 4.9: Data reported on the CRF that are derived from source documents should be consistent with the source documents or XXXX
43.Who is responsible for implementing and maintaining quality assurance and quality control systems with written SOPs:
44. According to ICH GCP where would you routinely find a description of - Actions taken or to be taken and/or actions recommended to secure compliance?
45.According to Principles of ICH GCP Investigational products should be manufactured, handled, and stored in accordance with applicable XXXX
46.The investigator(s) should be qualified by XXXX to assume responsibility for the proper conduct of the trial.
47. According to ICH GCP the IRB/IEC should establish and document in writing and follow procedures for which of the following:
1. Determining its composition
2. Scheduling, notifying its members of, and conducting its meetings
3. Determining the frequency of continuing review, as appropriate
4. Training and Assessment for its members
48.What words are missing from the following statement in ICH GCP: For XXXX the investigator should supply the sponsor and the IRB/IEC with any additional requested information?
49.According to ICH GCP If the sponsor discontinues the clinical development of an investigational product, the sponsor should notify all the:
50. According to ICH GCP All serious adverse events (SAEs) should be reported immediately to the:
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